Beckfield大学 - Healthcare Career Training - Cincinnati, OH


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Graduating from Beckfield大学 with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in 护理 (AASN) 或者一个 Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) provides a solid foundation f或者一个 rewarding healthcare career. Both programs are designed to prepare students for the challenges of modern nursing, enabling them to pursue diverse opportunities across the United States.

Associate of Applied Science Degree in 护理 (AASN)

The AASN program at Beckfield大学 is an excellent entry point for those looking to start a nursing career quickly.

This program focuses on providing the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for entry-level nursing positions. Graduates are prepared to take the NCLEX-RN® licensure exam, which is required to become a Registered Nurse (RN).

An AASN equips students with practical skills for direct patient care in various settings, 包括医院, 长期护理设施, 和诊所.

The AASN is particularly appealing for those who wish to begin working in the healthcare field within a relatively short period—typically 88 weeks of study. This option may be found to be appealing to those who aspire to enter the nursing profession more quickly, and affording the students with opportunities for critical hands-on experiences that are invaluable in preparing future nurses for everyday nursing tasks.

Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN)

The BSN program at Beckfield大学 offers a more comprehensive education in nursing, encompassing both the practical concepts and clinical skills that may be encountered in the AASN program, while also providing the student with broader coursework that covers topics such as research, 领导, 和管理.

The BSN degree is increasingly preferred by healthcare employers and may be required for those aspiring to pursue employment opportunities 或者一个ssume 领导 positions within healthcare settings.

Graduates completing a BSN degree should be well-prepared not only for the NCLEX-RN® but also f或者一个 wide range of nursing specialties and continuing their education through advanced studies.

The BSN program typically spans 132 weeks and provides a deeper understanding of nursing theory, 病人护理技术, 卫生政策, 社区健康.

This broader educational base prepared BSN nurses to pursue roles that may influence policy, improve patient care systems, 领导医疗团队.

Career Opportunities and Advancement

Both AASN and BSN graduates from Beckfield大学 benefit from our strong reputation and affiliations with numerous healthcare facilities.

These degrees open doors to employment in a variety of healthcare settings and opportunities to help meet the ever-changing demands of the healthcare industry.

For those looking to further their education, the BSN provides a strong foundation for pursuing graduate studies in nursing specialties, 例如执业护士, 护士麻醉师, or Clinical Nurse Specialist.


总之, whether opting for the AASN or BSN route, Beckfield大学 graduates should enter the workforce with confidence and competence.

Our programs are tailored to meet the needs of a dynamic healthcare environment, ensuring that graduates are not only job-ready but also equipped with the mindset for career advancement and lifelong learning in the field of nursing.

Learn more about careers in nursing: